Get Ready to Practice "Get"


Get Ready to Practice "Get"

"Get" is one of the most frustrating AND most frequently used verbs in the English language. In this post, we’ll show you how to understand and use the verb “get”. Got it?



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Connectors help us to link our ideas, sentences and paragraphs together in English. If you want to speak at an Intermediate or Advanced level you must know how to use these 20 connectors!

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Vocabulary for Air Travel


Vocabulary for Air Travel

Air travel can be chaotic, confusing, and stressful - especially if you don’t understand the language! Memorizing some simple vocabulary can help you to feel comfortable and confident when you’re travelling.


Advanced Business English: Delivering Constructive Criticism


Advanced Business English: Delivering Constructive Criticism

It’s challenging to give (and receive) criticism in any language. However, in the workplace, this skill is integral to your success as an employee, colleague, or manager. While this post discusses negative feedback, keep in mind that negative feedback is also called constructive criticism or suggestions for growth in professional contexts. While we may want to tell somebody that they’re lazy or inexperienced, that would be unprofessional and offensive in the workplace. As you read, notice how using questions and careful, strategic language will help you to communicate feedback in a clear, but polite way.


Talking About Your Goals


Talking About Your Goals

A goal is something that you are trying to achieve. Are you hoping to earn your master’s degree? Advance in your company? Do you intend to travel to a new country? Try a new hobby? We’re constantly setting personal and professional goals. Today, we’ll cover the most useful vocabulary and phrases for talking about professional development goals. 


Common Text Message Abbreviations

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Common Text Message Abbreviations

I’m sure you’ve seen a post in English on Facebook or Instagram with an abbreviation like loltgif, or ttyl, but did you know what those abbreviations meant? Well, we’ve put together a list of the most common abbreviations in English used on social media posts or text messages.

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Let's get emotional!


Let's get emotional!

Solo te puedes expresar con adjetivos como happy, sad, angry, sick. Déjanos ayudarte a aumentar tu vocabulario para sonar más nativo cuando quieres decir cómo te sientes en inglés.


Requesting and Giving Travel Advice


Requesting and Giving Travel Advice

Calling all travellers! Whether you like to travel abroad and have ever had difficulties asking for travel advice or if you’ve got to give visitors to Chile some recommendations, it’s crucial that you know how to ask for and give travel recommendations. This post will help you do that.


22 Informal Expressions In American English


22 Informal Expressions In American English

Vas a pasar tiempo con norteamericanos pronto o quieres entender un poco mejor las películas en inglés? Aquí te damos una lista de 22 expresiones informales en el inglés norteamericano que se usa diariamente. Intenta usar unas de estas en tu próxima conversación cotidiana con un gringo!