Viewing entries tagged
profesores nativos del inglés

The International Language of Music


The International Language of Music

From the beginning of time, records show that music has been a part of human interaction. Music can be a wonderful way to learn a language.  Music can be a great introduction to different cultures. Music can connect us to different people, feelings, and ideas.  In this post, we will take a look at some important verbs, idioms, and phrasal verbs related to music as well as suggest several songs that are great for practicing English!


Enfermedades (Diseases)

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Enfermedades (Diseases)

El invierno es sin duda alguna una de las estaciones en donde el índice de enfermedades aumenta y, por ende, tenemos que visitar al doctor. Si te has preguntado cómo expresar lo que sientes en inglés, entonces ha llegado tu día pues a continuación te enseñaremos con detalles todo el vocabulario que necesitas sobre enfermedades en inglés.

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8 Ways to Immerse yourself in English from the Comfort of Your Own Home


8 Ways to Immerse yourself in English from the Comfort of Your Own Home

Let’s face it…not all of us are able to just get up and move to an English-speaking country in order to fully immerse ourselves and improve our language skills. Luckily, that’s not necessary. There are several simple steps you can take in order to use English on a regular basis without even leaving your home or city where you currently live. It can be as simple as implementing English into your daily reading, Netflix series, or technological device. Here are few tips to help you get started with your English immersion process.


Rock Star Cover Letter


Rock Star Cover Letter

Jobs. Some of us love our jobs, many of us are comfortable with what we do, and others of us are feeling a need to change our current place of employment. If you’re part of the last group, then here are some tips to update your cover letter so you can start working towards making a career change.


It's February and love is in the air! (Friendship & Dating Phrasal Verbs)


It's February and love is in the air! (Friendship & Dating Phrasal Verbs)

Humans are social beings, which means that relationships play a key role in our lives. Whether it be a romantic relationship or a friendship, we all have had and continue to have connections to those around us. Since Valentine’s Day happens to fall during the month of February, we’ll be talking about how to use different phrasal verbs to talk about our relationships. In the past, this holiday has been exclusively for couples, but recently it has become more of a day to show how much we care about and love those important people in our lives.

Let’s talk about our friends

Have (someone) over: have somebody visit your house or apartment

o   We’re having about 10 people over for dinner on Sunday.

o   I’m having Sara over tonight to watch the soccer game.

·Meet up or get together: spend time with a friend in person

o   I’m meeting up with Jorge at 9 o’clock tonight at his house.

o   We got together last week to plan his birthday party.

·Catch up: talk about new events going on in a friend’s life

o   Sara and I finally had a chance to catch up last week.

o   Let’s get together soon so we can catch up!

·Get in touch: contact somebody

o   If I ever go to Brazil, I’ll make sure to get in touch with you.

o   I need to get in touch with my sister. It’s been a long time since we last spoke.

Keep or stay in touch with someone: make an effort to stay in contact with somebody over a period of time

o   We should keep in touch after you move.

o   Whatsapp makes it easier to keep in touch now.

Lose touch: not have contact with someone

o   We lost touch when she moved back to Japan.

o   I haven’t been in touch with Alba since things started to get so busy at work.

Fall out with or have a falling out: have an argument or disagreement with someone

o   We had a falling out and haven’t talked since.

o   I fell out with Anthony about three years ago when he lied to me.

Be close with (someone): have a strong relationship or friendship with another person

o   I’m very close with my family.

o   Maria Jose and Anna are very close friends.

Let’s talk about couples and romantic relationships

Be interested in someone: like or have feelings for another person

o   I’m really interested in her.

o   She told me she was interested in him.

Hit on or come on to: try to attract someone romantically. This usually involves a combination of comments and gestures that show you’re interested in that person.

*Note: Flirting with someone is also another way to say “hitting on” someone.

o   I thought he was cute, so I started hitting on him.

o   She kept on getting hit on the whole night at the bar.

Check out: look at someone with a romantic or sexual interest

o   Whenever we hang out it’s hard not to check out his brother because he’s so hot (in this context “hot” means really “good looking” or physically attractive).

o   He was checking her out the whole time we were at the restaurant.

Hit it off: have a good relationship or connection from the very first time you meet a person

*Note: can be a connection on a friendship or romantic level

o   We hit it off at the barbeque and have been spending time together ever since.

o   They hit it off at the party last night.

Ask out: invite someone to go out on a date

o   You should ask her out when you see her tomorrow at work.

o   She asked him out on a date last week.

Fall for: have strong feelings for someone or to be in love with someone

o   They fell for each other instantly.

o   He fell for a beautiful, older woman.

Blow off: ignore or choose not to talk to or spend time with someone

o   She totally blew me off last week when she said she had “stuff to do.”

o   We had plans, but he blew me off at the last minute.

Break up or split up: end a relationship

o   She broke up with her boyfriend yesterday.

o   They split up after a huge argument.

Make up: to resolve a conflict, apologize or forgive someone.

o   They made up after they had a heated argument.

o   When are they finally going to make up?

Get over: no longer have romantic feelings for someone or to let go of a past relationship

o   She got over him a few months after they broke up.

o   It took him awhile to get over her and start dating other people.

Cheat on: be disloyal or have sexual relations with another person while still in an exclusive relationship with someone else.

o   She’s been cheating on him for the last few months.

o   He cheated on her with a mutual friend.

Lead on: make someone believe or act like they’re interested in someone romantically, when they’re really not.

o   He was leading her on so bad at the party last week.

o   She led him on when they were flirting at Ramon’s house.

Go Dutch: Each person pays for their own portion of the bill (usually at a restaurant or bar)

o   How do you want to pay for the bill? Let’s go Dutch.

o   I assumed we were going Dutch when we went out to dinner.

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Written by: Monica Jones


Vacation Vocabulary

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Vacation Vocabulary

Summer is here and you need to take a vacation! Conversations about your time off from work with friends, family and colleagues are likely to come up during these hot months. This is a fun topic that most people are very enthusiastic about, so let’s make sure you have the words and phrases you need to describe your experience.

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Las question tags son mas comunes de lo que piensas, cachai?


Las question tags son mas comunes de lo que piensas, cachai?

Sin duda alguna has escuchado alguna vez una question tag, no? En español seguro que sí, pero en realidad no son tan comunes, por lo que en inglés te sorprenderías lo bastante comunes que son en las conversaciones de los hablantes nativos del idioma ya que se ocupan de forma muy natural en absolutamente cualquier contexto.

Qué son las question tags?

Las question tags son pequeñas preguntas añadidas a oraciones cuando estamos confirmando información, haciendo una pregunta, cuando tenemos la necesidad de que alguien esté de acuerdo o no con nosotros o más bien queremos empezar una conversación o hacer que ésta siga fluyendo.

Comenzar a usar las question tags en nuestro vocabulario diario puede parecer un poco forzado al principio, pero con práctica seguramente se convertirán en parte natural de tu vocabulario y fluidez en el idioma, además, a continuación, te daremos algunos útiles consejos de cómo utilizarlas de la forma más fácil y entretenida.

Cómo se ocupan?

Para empezar, debemos saber que las question tags van agregadas a oraciones y no a preguntas, un ejemplo de esto sería:

-          You are a doctor, aren’t you?

Como se puede observar, la question tag corresponde al verbo y pronombre que se utilizó en la oración. La question tag es negativa pues la oración está en positivo. Este patrón siempre lo mantendremos con excepción de algunas muy particulares que más adelante te presentaré.


Esta es una lista de muchos ejemplos que te harán comprender mucho mejor la estructura de las cuestión tags.

  • You don't like me, do you?

  • It isn't raining, is it?

  • You've done your homework, haven't you?

  • I'm not late, am I?

  • You like German food, don't you?

  • You'll come to my party, won't you?

  • You remembered to feed the cat, didn't you?

  • There's a problem here, isn't there?

  • You think you're clever, don't you?

Tono de voz

El tono de voz que utilicemos al hacer una question tag es muy importante pues esto reflejará el significado de ella. Si en realidad estamos haciendo una pregunta entonces nuestro tono de voz debe subir tal y como cuando hacemos una pregunta, sin embargo, cuando simplemente estamos confirmando información de la cual estamos casi seguros, entonces nuestro tono de voz deberá ser más plano y sin elevaciones.

Casos Particulares

Algunas de las oraciones con algunas particularidades son:

-          Oraciones positivas con el verbo “am”

La question tag para dicho verbo sería “aren´t”.

-          Ej,  I am late, aren’t I?


-          Oraciones con “Let’s”.

La question tag que utilizaremos con este tipo de oraciones será “shall we#. Let’s es la contracción de “let us” por lo tanto el pronombre será siempre “we”.

-          Ej, let’s eat, shall we?


-          Oraciones con palabras que expresen negación tales como: never, nothing, nobody, no one, none, no, seldom, barely, hardly, etc.

Para este tipo de oraciones siempre utilizaremos question tags en positivo. Ej,

-          Nobody came, did they?    

 Práctica Entretenida

Abajo te compartimos un link muy divertido de “The Big Bang theory” para que observes como las question tags se ocupan de forma totalmente natural en las conversaciones de nativos del idioma inglés.

Ahora ya eres capaz de empezar a construir oraciones con question tags por ti mismo y utilizarlas en tu día a día y ser el más seco al escucharte como todo un experto en el idioma inglés.

Escrito por Victor Pineda


Money Talk: ATMs, Restaurants, and More!

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Money Talk: ATMs, Restaurants, and More!

In my first week in Chile, my debit card was confiscated by an ATM. I desperately asked for help, but I didn’t know how how to say credit card or ATM in Spanish!

Today we’re going to practice key financial vocabulary so that if this ever happens to you in English, you won’t be panicked like me!

Obviously, financial vocabulary is important in stressful situations like mine, but we use financial vocabulary all the time. It’s useful for travel, day-to-day situations, and our professional lives.

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Spring is Here!


Spring is Here!

Spring has arrived in Santiago! The trees are green, the sun is shining, and we can finally put away our winter coats. Today’s blog post will focus on the vocabulary you need to talk about spring, but we’ll also cover some basic informal and informal weather vocabulary


Time Linkers


Time Linkers

Words and phrases that indicate time help our listeners to understand exactly when things happened, happen, or will happen in our life! Review here the most common ways to indicate time in English!


Get Ready to Practice "Get"


Get Ready to Practice "Get"

"Get" is one of the most frustrating AND most frequently used verbs in the English language. In this post, we’ll show you how to understand and use the verb “get”. Got it?



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Connectors help us to link our ideas, sentences and paragraphs together in English. If you want to speak at an Intermediate or Advanced level you must know how to use these 20 connectors!

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Vocabulary for Air Travel


Vocabulary for Air Travel

Air travel can be chaotic, confusing, and stressful - especially if you don’t understand the language! Memorizing some simple vocabulary can help you to feel comfortable and confident when you’re travelling.


Advanced Business English: Delivering Constructive Criticism


Advanced Business English: Delivering Constructive Criticism

It’s challenging to give (and receive) criticism in any language. However, in the workplace, this skill is integral to your success as an employee, colleague, or manager. While this post discusses negative feedback, keep in mind that negative feedback is also called constructive criticism or suggestions for growth in professional contexts. While we may want to tell somebody that they’re lazy or inexperienced, that would be unprofessional and offensive in the workplace. As you read, notice how using questions and careful, strategic language will help you to communicate feedback in a clear, but polite way.


Common Text Message Abbreviations

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Common Text Message Abbreviations

I’m sure you’ve seen a post in English on Facebook or Instagram with an abbreviation like loltgif, or ttyl, but did you know what those abbreviations meant? Well, we’ve put together a list of the most common abbreviations in English used on social media posts or text messages.

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